
What Happens to You When You Sleep

Sleep Naturally You

On average, we spend about 25 years of our entire lives sleeping.  There is no other single activity humans do more of, and a consistent lack of it can seriously impact the quality of life and overall health. Sleep is so vital that it is one of my six keys to optimal health.  What happens to you when you are sleeping is an amazing cycle of activity that repeats over the course of the night.  In this article, you will learn how sleep affects the body and the two major types of sleep we experience.  You will also learn about the sleep cycle and its five stages. It’s a fascinating journey your body takes while sleeping and it all happens while you are sound asleep!

How Sleep Affects the Body 

Sleep is as essential to our very survival as eating and water.  It is a naturally occurring state where the nervous system is inactive.  During this time your eyes are closed, muscles are relaxed and consciousness is temporarily suspended. According to Web MD, your body works to repair muscle tissue, organs, and other cells.  Chemicals that strengthen the immune system start to circulate though the blood. 

Two Types and the Cycle. . .

Sleep  Naturally You

There are two major types of sleep, defined as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep.  Non-REM is the deepest type and where many important body functions happen.  For instance, non-REM slumber enables clear thinking, aids our ability to form complete sentences, and converts short term memories into long term storage.  If you’ve ever been snooze-deprived and felt brain fog, it’s because you didn’t get enough deep sleep.  The REM stage is where dreams come alive.  It’s physically less important than deep sleep, but some scientists argue that it’s an essential time to process emotions.  All of this takes place in a cycle that takes about 90 to 110 minutes to complete.  Once the cycle is over, it starts again and repeats over and over again throughout the entire night. 

Sleep Stages One and Two (Non-REM)

Stage one typically lasts five to 10 minutes.  This is falling asleep or light sleep, and during this time, you can be easily awakened.  You may drift in and out of consciousness.  Perhaps you have experienced this when stuck in a long, boring meeting.  Your eye and body movement slow down and you may experience a sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles. These movements are similar to the jump we make when someone startles us.  During stage two, eye movement stops and our brain waves become slower with bursts of rapid waves called sleep spindles.  This is light slumber and about 50 percent of your time sleeping is spent in stages one and two.  Your heart rate slows and body temperature drops.

Stages Three and Four (Non-REM)

Stage three is the first phase of deep sleep. The brain waves are a combination of long, slow waves combined with shorter, faster waves.  During stage 3, it can be very difficult to wake someone up.  People awakened during this stage typically feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes. Stage four is the second phase of deep sleep. The brain is mostly making slow brain waves and it’s very difficult to wake someone up.  Both stages three and four are important for feeling refreshed in the morning.  If these stages are too short, your snooze time will not feel satisfying.  About 30 of your time sleeping is spent in stages three and four.

Stage Five (REM)

Sleep Naturally You

REM sleep (rapid eye movement) makes up of remaining 20 percent of the time sleeping.  It occurs about 70 to 90 minutes after you fall asleep. During this stage, breathing is faster and becomes more shallow than in the first four stages.  Eyes move rapidly and the sympathetic nervous system becomes very active.  At the same time, muscles become temporarily paralyzed and the body becomes surprisingly still. Heart rate and blood pressure rise and dreams occur during this stage. Interestingly, while the lengths of stages one through four remain relatively consistent during each cycle, this is not the case with stage five.  The first cycle of the night has a shorter phase of REM sleep. As the night progresses and toward morning, the time spent in the REM stage increases.  Dreams can occur throughout the entire night, but they are longer just before you wake up.  

So Much More

The subject of sleep is constantly being researched.  It is such a big subject that I’m planning an entire series of articles on sleep alone. Now you understand what happens to you when you sleep if you are a healthy person.  Unfortunately, 40 million Americans suffer from long-term sleep disorders that prevent them from experiencing a normal cycle.  Another 20 million Americans experience occasional sleep problems.  These disorders and problems can have a serious impact on your health and well being.  That’s why my next article we will cover more issues including the circadian rhythm, sleep disorders, and tips for good quality sleep.  Until then, if you have any questions regarding this or any other health and wellness topic, visit  There you will learn more about sleep and find a resource guide with recommended books on the subject.  You can also chat with me there or call me directly at 813.505.9815.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.  

Find Peace of Mind by Practicing Stillness

Renewal Stillness Naturally You

Life comes at most of us with the speed of a bullet train.  Always on the go, we are constantly bombarded with information and messages.  Change happens and events occur faster than ever. Nearly everyone is always within reach of their smartphone.  For many, the phone is the first thing we check in the morning and the last thing we check before bed.  As a result, many of us live with high levels of anxiety, clouded judgement, and the terrible physical toll it takes on our bodies.  Your pace is not likely to slow down. So to feel your best you need to find ways to slow it down and liberate your mind of everything that stands in the way of clarity, mindfulness, and renewal.  In this article, you will learn about the problems caused by living an accelerated life an how to find peace of mind by practicing stillness.

Accelerated Life Disorder

I created this term, accelerated life disorder, to describe what happens to people who have lost control of the pace of their lives.  They are tethered to their smartphones and other devices every waking moment of the day, constantly checking in to make sure they don’t miss the latest headlines, emails, text messages and social media posts.  At the same time, they are juggling careers and family, with little time for self-care, meditation or the stillness needed to re-center and clear their minds.  According to the New York Post, people check their smartphones an average of 80 times per day.  That’s once every 12 minutes in 16 hours of time not spent sleeping.  On top of that, AC Nielsen reports people spend an average of 5 hours per day watching television.  All this screen time speeds up the pace of life and can result in serious health problems.

The Toll it Takes. . .

Renewal.  Stillness.  Naturally You.

Here are just five ways too much screen time can harm your health. . .

  1. Weight Gain.  A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease in adults. 
  2. Headaches.  Vision issues are the result of looking at an electronic screen for extended periods of time.  This causes headaches and strained/blurred vision.
  3. Chronic neck and back pain.  Poor posture from looking down at a smartphone or sitting in an ergonomically incorrect position for an extended period of time can cause spinal alignment problems.
  4. Poor Sleep.  The blue light emanating from cell phones interfers with the production of melatonin and a restful night’s sleep.
  5. Impaired cognitive function and decreased retention.  Constant flipping of screens and scrolling news feeds mean less time processing information.  You see more information but actually process and retain less of it. 

The Benefits of Practicing Stillness

Renewal.  Stillness. Naturally You.

Practicing stillness requires very little, yet the physical and psychological benefits are far reaching.  Sitting still, free of thought and untethered to technology is a powerful tool.  Some people think a quiet, natural setting is needed to practice stillness. That’s not true. Stillness happens in the mind and if you practice it often, you can reap the benefit of stillness wherever you are and whenever you need it. 

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat anytime.”

Herman Hesse

It clears your mind, renews your spirit, and resets your energy.  It’s a mental power you control that lowers your anxiety and delivers you to a calm place, regardless of the circumstances around you.  With that sense of calm, your heart rate and blood pressure will fall.  You will think with clarity and make sound decisions, listen to others and your own intuition better, handle adversity better, and be in the moment. 

Tips on Practicing Stillness

Practicing stillness is easy.  All you need is your mind and luckily your mind is always close by.  Here are some tips to get started. . .

  1. Simplify.  Free yourself from the demands of daily life.  A peaceful lake or mountain vista is nice, but if you’re in a loud office or busy home, just close your eyes for a few moments and release the distractions.
  2. Breathe.  Slowly inhale and exhale, deliberately and with focus.  This will help to slow your physical response to stress and enable you to release it.
  3. Loose yourself.  Let go of any resistence and open yourself to the sensations around you.  Focus on being in the moment. 
  4. Don’t expect anything.  There is no goal, no destination, no great answer.  It’s the road to nowhere that connects to a quiet place within your mind.  That’s where renewal begins.

You will experience the benefits of stillness the more often you practice it.  I recommend you schedule time each day to practice stillness.  Start with just 5 minutes before you go to bed. Soon you will be looking forward to your escape into stillness and reaping the benefits it brings.

Naturally. . .You is Here to Help

Naturally. . . You is dedicated to helping everyone live a healthier life.  Practicing stillness can help you regain control of our life and slow down your pace.  It is one aspect of renewal.  Renewal is one of my Six Keys to Optimal Health.  For more information about renewal, visit the Six Keys page on my website and click on Renewal.  There you will find more ways to feed your soul and renew your spirit.  Plus there is a resource guide that recommends a couple of books to help you on your journey.  I’m always available to discuss this or any wellness topic.  You can chat with me on my site or call me directly at 813.505.9815.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.    

Candida: Treating Out of Control Yeast Growth

treating out of control yeast growth

Treating candida, or out of control yeast growth, is important to prevent major health issues. Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans.  It’s typically found in small amounts in the mouth and intestines and on the skin and chances are, you probably have a degree of candida in your body right now.  Normally, healthy bacteria keep candida in check, but if you suffer from a disruption in your immune system or a decrease in your healthy bacteria levels, candida can grow wildly.  Treating out of control yeast growth is critical and will prevent related serious health problems.  In this article you will learn about candida, its symptoms, causes as well as treatments to help you to prevent candida overgrowth and feel great.   

How Candida Affects the Body

Candida is the term for a family of yeasts that live in our bodies.  It’s commonly found in the mouth, intestines, vagina, on the skin and under the fingernails and toenails.  In healthy individuals, candida exists in small quantities but in unhealthy people, it can grow and spread throughout the body. says an overgrowth of candida can cause any of these issues:

Treating out of control yeast growth
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Digestive Issues like Bloating, Constipation, and Diarrhea
  • Allergies
  • Joint Pain
  • Mouth Sores, Canker Sores, and Oral Thrush
  • Yeast Infections
  • Fibromyalgia

Causes and Treatments

There are several causes of candida overgrowth.  Sometimes candida overgrowth occurs as a result of antibiotics used to treat other infections.  Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria and prolonged use can result in lower levels of the bacteria needed to fight candida overgrowth.  According to Medical News Today, steroid-based medications can lower the immune system and increase the risk of candida overgrowth symptoms like oral thrush.  In addition to medical causes of candida overgrowth, poor lifestyle choices can also cause it.  Yeast overgrowth can occur from a diet rich in foods that feed yeast.  High sugar, carbohydrates, and alcohol consumption provide the fuel yeast needs to grow.  It’s no surprise since these also cause other health problems, including inflammation-related conditions like arthritis and Crohn’s disease, heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

Helpful Dietary Tips

Dietary changes can help to control yeast growth as well as promoting and managing the good bacteria needed for overall good health.  Here are some tips to change your diet that will reduce the risk of candida overgrowth and make you feel great again.

Eliminate sugar. 

treating out of control yeast growth

Simply put, sugar is just plain bad for you.  It causes inflammation and a whole host of related medical conditions you want to avoid.  But we all love sweet treats.  So, look for natural substitutes for sugar like honey and choose fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries which are low in sugar.  Consult a glycemic index chart to help you make healthy choices.  The lower the glycemic index, the better the choice.  For more information and a helpful chart, click here.

A Good Prebiotic

Add a good prebiotic to your diet.  Prebiotics are naturally occurring fiber that acts as a fertilizer for the good bacteria in your digestive tract.  Foods like onions, garlic, and apple skins are a great source of prebiotics. 

Add a Probiotic


Add probiotics to your daily supplements.  Probiotics are live bacteria naturally created through the process of fermentation.  They are found in foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut.  Naturally. . . You offers a great probiotic made by M’Lis. 

Time to Detox

A full body detox program is a great start toward treating out of control yeast growth and lower your risk of candida overgrowth.  The body detox I put my clients on will eliminate sugars from the body and reset your relationship with food.  After this program, you will feel better, have a fresh start on feeling better and be ready to make better choices to live a healthier life.  To learn more about the full body detox, check out my article, A Total Body Cleanse will Make You Feel Great Again.

Eat Real Food

Once candida overgrowth is under control, set up a maintenance diet to prevent reoccurrence.  At Naturally. . . You, we believe in real food.  That means fresh foods that are free from processing, chemicals, and additives.  Since fresh foods rarely have added preservatives, they typically have to be refrigerated.  So, do most of your food shopping on the perimeter of the stores, where most refrigeration shelves are.  Avoid frozen foods and processed foods found on the shelves in the center of most grocery stores.  A lot of packaged foods are processed and contain chemicals that give them long, stable shelf lives.

If you are chronically tired or suffer from any of the symptoms that are described above, you may have candida and need to start treating out of control yeast growth.  Naturally. . . You can help to put you on a dietary plan, a detoxification program, and supplements to help you reduce the yeast in your body, lower your risk of symptoms and put you on the road to feeling great again.  For more information on this or any health and wellness topic, visit  There you can chat with me directly.  I’m always available to discuss your health concerns so reach out on my site or call me directly at 813.505.9815.  I look forward to chatting with you soon.

The Most Effective Ways to Successfully Use CBD.

CBD Effects

Everywhere I go it seems like there is another store selling CBD products.  New stores dedicated to CBD open every week with giant flags or people spinning signs to lure you in with free samples.  Most offer several different brands, multiple product lines, and a staff with different degrees of knowledge and training.  All of this can be confusing if you are buying CBD for the first time.  The fact is, CBD products are manufactured in different ways, come in different forms, and have different amounts of purity and potency.  Luckily, Naturally. . .You is here to help explain it all. We can help make sure you are buying the best CBD products to help achieve your wellness goals.  In this article, we will recap important things to remember about CBD, explore different products, and give tips on the most effective ways to successfully use CBD. 

Important things to Remember about CBD

  • CBD is natural and is produced by the hemp plant.
  • CBD has no psychoactive effects and is legal in all 50 states.
  • CBD receptors are found in our bodies so we are pre-wired to benefit from taking it.
  • CBD can help with physical and mental disorders and it promotes general health and wellness.
  • Important things to look for when buying CBD include full spectrum, organic certification, CO2 extraction, and third-party testing.

For more information about CBD, it’s benefits, and types of products check out my last article, Feel Great Naturally with the Power of CBD.  Another great source of CBD information is the article, CBD Hype of Hope, found in SkinInc Magazine.

Getting Started with CBD

One of the most important things to consider when starting a CBD program is the outcome you expect.  Your goal could be pain relief, better sleep, lower anxiety levels, better weight management and fat loss, or overall better health.  There are different ways to take CBD into your body and having a clear goal helps to determine the right method needed.  One of the most effective ways to successfully use CBD is to take it through your mouth, either with gummies,  capsules, or with under-the-tongue drops called tinctures.  Another method is inhalation, again through the mouth, using vaporized CBD droplets.  Finally, use CBD topically with creams and salves applied to the skin.  Each method is effective.  The one you select depends on your needs.

CBD Sleep Function
Slow-releasing CBD products are great for improving your sleep function.

Gummies and Capsules

Gummies and capsules release into the body through the digestive tract.  This starts about one hour from the time the gummy or gel cap is taken.  Buy these products if you want to treat any condition that can be improved with consistent use over time.   Gummies and capsules will remain in the body for six to eight hours.   So, if you’re looking to improve your sleep function, gummies may be the choice for you. 

Oil Tinctures

CBD oil tincture
Avid Hemp CBD Oil Tinctures

Oil tinctures absorb into the mouth under the tongue and quickly enter the blood stream.  The cannabinoids then travel through the circulatory system to all parts of the body. They are faster-acting than gummies or capsules and last in the body four to six hours.  This product is good for conditions caused by inflammation that occurs throughout the body like rehumetoid arthritis and lupus.

Creams and Salves

Creams and salves are best for localized conditions or pain and work in five to 10 minutes.  This is great if you suffer conditions like symptoms of neuropathy in your feet or hands, muscle or joint pain, and skin conditions like eczema.   Using these products directly on the skin over the affected area concentrates CBD delivery on the spot.   You can use up to four times a day.

Vape Products

Vaporized products absorb into the lungs and affect the brain rather than the digestive tract. 

Dosing, Timing, and Consistency

CBD Clock
CBD effectiveness can be influenced by timing.

Be patient with CBD because determining your ideal dose takes time.  There is no reason to take more CBD product than you need to reach your goals.  At Naturally. . . You, we recommend all our clients to start out small.  Then give it time to work.  If you are just starting a CBD program, the CBD receptors in your body will need to awaken.  The happens over time so all products, regardless of delivery method,  get more effective the longer you use them.  By starting small and adjusting upwards in increments until you reach your goal will help determine the right size dose for you. 

Body size is another important factor when determining the starting dose.   Larger individuals will typically need to start with larger doses than smaller people,  but the strategy of small increases over time to determine the right dose remains the same.  Spreading the doses throughout the day is one of the most effective ways to successfully use CBD. In any program, consistency is vital to success.  The effectiveness of CBD builds over time so using CBD products consistently as directed is the best practice and most effective way to reach your health and wellness goals.

Communication is a Key to Success

Talking about CBD
Personal service and close contact is what
Naturally. . .You is all about.

As with any wellness program, consistent communication with a trained practioner is the key to success.  We speak directly with our clients on a regular basis, especially at the start of a program.  We do this to make sure we answer any questions or concerns.  This makes them comfortable with their program and gives us the opportunity to make tweaks to help them achieve their goals as quickly as possible.  We take our responsibility for our clients’ health and wellness seriously, and our happiest clients stay in contact with us regularly.

Naturally. . . You sells selected CBD products and we know the most effective ways to successfully use CBD.  We have done extensive research to ensure our products meet the highest standards for potency and purity.  Plus, you will get personalized customer service that is the hallmark of our company.  We take the time to understand your conditions and only then do we suggest products and provide dosage guidelines to make sure you get the results you need.  Plus, we often provide special pricing you can’t find anywhere else.  To learn more, visit  You can chat live with us on the site or call me at 813.505.9815.  I’m always available to discuss CBD or any wellness-related topic.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Feel Great Naturally with the Power of CBD

Feeling great with CBD

64 Million Americans have tried CBD in some form, in the past 24 months according to Consumer Reports. That’s over a quarter of our entire population.  And among those people who have tried CBD, one out of seven now use it every day.  That’s amazing, considering that until last year, growing hemp in this country was illegal and had been over 80 years! Now it seems like someone sells CBD on every corner.  With so much product out there, people are bound to be a little confused about CBD, it’s benefits, and most importantly, what to look for when sourcing CBD products.  When it comes to CBD, Naturally. . .You has all the answers.  Our clients benefit from our extensive research on CBD, our recommended products, and guidance on the proper dosage for their unique conditions.  Now is the time to feel great using the power of CBD.

CBD and Why it Works. . .

CBD is produced naturally by hemp plants.

CBD or cannabidiol is part of the hemp plant but has no psychoactive effects.  All mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) in their bodies.  This system collects and decodes signals from cannabinoids.  It plays an important role in maintaining internal balance known as homeostasis.  This occurs at every level of biological life from subcellular functions to the organism itself and is important to overall health and well-being.  Our bodies have naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors so we are pre-wired to experience the benefits of CBD.  There are two types of CBD receptors in the body.  CB1 receptors found in the brain help with mental, cognitive functions, and physiological processes.  CB2 receptors are also found throughout our immune and nervous systems, major organs, and bones.  These are responsible for physical well-being.  They fight disease, regulate pain, and according to Medical Express, control inflammation.     

Products Forms Available. . .

CBD Oil Tincture
CBD Oil is taken orally.

CBD is available in numerous products forms including oils, gummy candies, teas, and lotions.  The products are merely vessels for CBD delivery into the body and each is designed to deliver CBD in a different way.  Oils consumed through the mouth deliver CBD into the body the fastest.  Gummies have to be digested to release the CBD so this is a more, time-released method of CBD delivery.  Lotions deliver CBD directly through the skin to an applied area.  Know why CBD is needed and then determine the best product for the job.   

Feel Great from Benefits of CBD. . .

If you want to feel great naturally with the power of CBD consistency is the key. Using it daily improves overall wellness and can address specific issues that cause problems. Using CBD can reduce inflammation in the body.  This helps to relieve chronic pain in joints caused by arthritis.  CBD receptors in the digestive tract help reduce the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease.  Also, CBD has anti-anxiety and anti-depressive effects in mammals.  Several of my clients who take CBD report lower anxiety and better-quality sleep.  CBD can even help clear up some inflammation-related skin conditions like rosacea and eczema.  CBD is safe for everyone but make sure you check with your doctor before using it, especially if you are on any prescription drugs.   

Not all CBD is created equal. . .

The best way to ensure you are getting the best CBD products on the market is to call us at Naturally. . .  You.  These are the things we insisted on when selecting our products. . .

  1. The product must be “Full Spectrum”.  The hemp plant has over 100 different cannabinoids, CBD is just one of them.  The cannabinoids work together to produce the best benefits and is more effective than isolating CBD and just using that one.  
  2. Avoid isolates.  The word “isolate” sounds good because isolates can be marketed as 100% pure CBD.  But making of isolates involves using chemical solvents during the extraction process.  These solvents can decrease the effectiveness of the product.  Plus, I would never recommend putting anything chemically treated into your body.
  3. Go organic.  Enough said. 
  4. The CO-2 extraction process. This process is the most effective way to extract a high concentration of CBD without harming the plant.  It combines a precise temperature and pressure combination to ensure product purity.  It’s an expensive process, but cheaper ways of extraction produce inferior CBD.
  5. A short ingredient list.  Who needs fillers and unnecessary ingredients in anything?
  6. Third-party laboratory testing for potency and purity.  This is very important because not only do you want to be sure of high CBD concentration but also to make sure the products do not contain heavy metals or pesticides.  Lab testing is the only way to be sure.  This is an added expense to companies producing CBD products, but don’t but any CBD product without it.

Why buy from Naturally…You

building relationships
Naturally. . .You is all about personalized service and client relationships

Buying CBD from Naturally. . . You guarantees you will get the best CBD products on the market.  We have done extensive research and established the highest standards for potency and purity.  Plus, you will get personalized customer service that is the hallmark of our company.  We take the time to understand your conditions and only then do we recommend products and provide dosage guidelines to make sure you get the results you need.  Plus, we often provide special pricing you can’t find anywhere else.  Now is the time to feel great using the power of CBD. To learn more, visit  You can chat live with us on the site or call me at 813.505.9815.  I’m always available to discuss CBD or any wellness-related topic.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Attack Cellulite Now with a One-Two-Punch!

Cellulite Sign SS--croppedCellulite affects 93 percent of all women. Most women hate cellulite and want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.  Some turn to cosmetic procedures to reduce its appearance but many don’t understand the cause of cellulite and how to effectively treat it.  The fact is, there are more than one type and cause of cellulite.  In this article, I will explain the types of cellulite, how it develops and most importantly, how to reduce it.  Many treatments only scratch the surface of this condition. They fail to address what’s going on inside of the body that is causing it to produce cellulite.  To reduce cellulite permanently, you have to do two things. Treat the symptoms you see on the outside and the cause of it on the inside.  Here is a way to attack cellulite now with a one-two punch.

Cellulite 101


Cellulite is a disorder of the connective tissue that retains the fat tissue in compartments. This happens in the layer above the muscle and below the dermis or lower layer of the Cellulite Art SS While there are different types of cellulite, they all affect women more than men. They also tend to evolve slowly and build up over time.  One type of cellulite you commonly see in women is caused by weak elastin fibers under loose skin.  Muscle tissue rising into the weakened fibers cause a dimpled or spongy appearance of the skin.  Another common type of cellulite can make the skin appear grainy or like an orange peel.  This type of cellulite is firm and doesn’t move. Hips and thighs, around the back, and inside of the knees are common areas for this type of cellulite to appear.

Factors Contributing to Cellulite

  • Presence of Estrogen
  • Poor Blood Circulation
  • Fluid Retention
  • A Build up of Toxins in the Body
  • Sluggish Lymphatic Flow
  • Weight Gain and/or Crash Dieting
  • Poor Metabolism
  • Nutrient Deficiency

The role of the Lymphatic System on Cellulite Treatment

One of the biggest factors that contribute to cellulite is the performance of the body’s lymphatic system.  To reduce or eliminate cellulite, and for overall good health, a high performing lymphatic system is critical.  The lymphatic system is a network of tissue and organs. It helps to rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.  According to the LG Disease Alliance, the lymphatic system has three functions.

  1. The removal of excess fluids from body tissues. 
  2. The absorption of fatty acids and the transport of fat to the circulatory system.
  3. The production of immune cells.   

One of its primary functions is to transport a substance called lymph around the body.  Lymph is a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells so it’s important you have an active lymphatic system.  Keeping your lymph nodes clear does several things. It helps to stimulate the circulation of lymph fluid, eliminate toxins and reduce water retention.  This boosts your immune system and can dramatically improve the treatment of cellulite.

Contour Body Wrap and a Total Body Cleanse—the One-Two-Punch

Some of my clients initially reach out to me to help treat their cellulite.  First I explain that cellulite is a symptom of bigger issues that can be effectively treated naturally.  Issues related to estrogen, blood circulation, toxic accumulation, and lymphatic flow are effectively treated with a contour body wrap.  During this treatment, which can be done in the privacy of your home, the body is wrapped in specially formulated plastic that provides heat retention, acupressure to stimulate lymphatic flow and result in a contouring effect on the body.  The main goals are purification, elimination, and detoxification.  My clients experience a reduction in the appearance of cellulite.  They also lose 4-14 inches each time.  Plus they love how tight they feel and the soft, moist touch of their skin afterward. measuring tape SS

The wrap experience is relaxing.  First, we take initial measurements. Then targeted areas of the skin are exfoliated with a gentle scrub.  Next, we apply a contour cream and wrap the target areas. After a 45 minute rest period, we remove the wrap.  At that point, we can take measurements again to calculate inch loss. Just like many spa-treatments, we provide water throughout the process to ensure Contour-Wrap-2-SS Many of my clients get a package of contour body wraps to feel relaxed and pampered. 

For treating cellulite wraps are most effective when used as part of a lifestyle change program that includes a total body cleanse.  If you read my last blog, A Total Body Cleanse will make you Feel Great Again, then you already know about the benefits of detoxing your body to reset and feel better.  Plus, it will also help the body better absorb nutrients and establish and new, lower weight set-point.

Naturally. . . You can help

The stimulation of the lymphatic flow combined with the detoxification of the total body cleanse is the most effective way to attack cellulite now with a one-two punch.  Naturally. . . You is here with natural products and personalized service to help you look and feel your best.  For more information on contour body wraps visit us at  Look for the chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the page to contact me directly or call me at 813.505.9815.  I’m always available to talk about this or any natural health related subject.  I look forward to chatting with you soon!  

A Total Body Cleanse will make you Feel Great Again

Water helps a total body cleanse

Many people find themselves not feeling as vibrant as they used to feel.  They struggle to remember birthdates, feel sluggish and have difficulty controlling cravings.  Typical Americans live in a stress-filled and sleep-deprived world.  They search for convenient life-hacks to make things easier, unfortunately, some of these hacks unknowingly put toxins into our bodies.  Chemicals in foods and products used for personal care and household cleaning build up inside our bodies.  These toxins can cause serious health problems. 

All the while, stress, the very thing that contributes to toxin build up, actually slows down detoxification enzymes in the liver.  That makes it harder for our bodies to push them out!  One way to eliminate these built up toxins in through a total body cleanse designed to flush your system, restore your energy and reset your relationship with food.  Oh yeah, you might also lose some weight in the process!  Here’s why a total body cleanse will make you feel great again!

How Toxins Get In and Build Up. . .

Toxins build up in our bodies through things we ingest into our systems.  Whether we are applying soaps and lotions to our skin, consuming foods that contain chemicals or breathing in smoke or smog, toxins find a way of getting in.  Once in, they are stored in our intestinal tract and over time, build up, causing damage to the enzymes we naturally produce. 

According to the Institute for Natural Medicine, “Our bodies are enzyme engines. Every physiological function depends on enzymes to manufacture molecules, produce energy, and create cell structures. Toxins damage enzymes and thus undermine countless bodily functions—inhibiting the production of hemoglobin in the blood, for example, or lowering the body’s capacity to prevent the free-radical damage that accelerates aging.”  Left unchecked, toxins can weaken bones, damage organs, and DNA.  This will speed the aging process.  Toxins can also create hormone imbalance resulting in inexplicable fatigue.

Telltale Signs. . .

There are many symptoms of toxic build up in the body.  Among them are:Toxic symptoms can be treated with a total body cleanse.

  • Bloating and Weight Gain
  • Low Energy
  • Headaches
  • Mood Issues
  • Skin Irritations
  • Decreased Memory Function
  • Bad Breath
  • Constipation

Feel Great with the M’lis Total Body Cleanse. . .

Total Body Cleanse package by M'lis

One effective way to detoxify your body and feel great again is through the M’lis Total Body Cleanse.  This cleanse has been recommended and endorsed by thousands of licensed professionals for over 30 years.   I personally use this cleanse three times a year and can say it’s the best way to flush the colon of toxins and waste products, eliminate the symptoms that result from toxin build-up, and reset your digestive tract for better efficiency. 

Over the course of seven days, toxins are eliminated through gradual dietary restrictions.  The first two days clean up your diet, eliminating sugar, flour, fats, alcohol and red meat.  For the next three days, only liquids are consumed to establish a baseline.  The final two days gradually introduce solid foods back into your system to avoid a shock to the digestive system.  Those days give your digestive tract a chance to reboot with only fresh foods that it can easily and efficiently digest.

During the entire week, high-fiber supplements help to keep you regular and purge waste build-up from the body.  These supplements are a propriety blend of wheat bran powder and psyllium husk powder.  This stimulates weight loss, promote regularity and increase longevity.  You also use cleanse and detox supplements and an energy enhancing drink of essential greens.  An optional beverage mix that supports heart function and an antioxidant drink mix that reduces free-radicals in the body are available.  And best of all, I’ll be there every step of the way to answer questions, manage your expectations and provide support. 

Better than other programs. . .

There are a lot of detoxification programs on the market.  The one I use and recommend to my clients has proven effective.  Many others lack the supplementation and support critical body functions that are an essential part of the M’lis cleanse.  Many programs range from total starvation fasts to juice fasts and food modification approaches.  These often involve the use of laxatives and diuretics.  Extremely low-calorie diets lower the body’s metabolism as it struggles to conserve energy.  Once the dieter resumes normal eating, rapid weight gain follows. Much of the weight loss achieved through these diets result from fluid loss related to extremely low carbohydrate intake.  Weight loss is also from frequent bowel movements or diarrhea produced by salt water and laxative tea. When the dieter resumes normal fluid intake, this weight packs back on. 

Other detox programs involve colonic cleansing which carries a risk of dehydration, electrolyte and enzyme imbalance, and impaired bowel function. The M’lis Total Body Cleanse and detoxification program is natural, safe, and supports all body functions.  The goal is to eliminate toxins, reintroduce healthy nutrition and reset your relationship with food. 

The Big Payoff. . .

Healthy woman after total body cleanse.In just one short week you will feel amazing.  You will experience renewed energy, less bloating, mindful clarity, and more restful sleep. Most of the symptoms listed above will be gone.  As an added benefit, most people experience weight loss during the program that can jump-start a healthy weight management program.  If you are interested in trying the M’lis Total Body Cleanse but need a little proof that they work, check out the testimonials I’ve published on my website.

The pace of life is on overdrive for most of us.  An unavoidable consequence is the buildup of toxins in our bodies.  Over time this causes physical, emotional and memory problems that can affect you and your relationships.  A total body cleanse will make you feel great again.  In just one week you will feel great, think with clarity, and get on a path to better health.  The M’lis Total Body Cleanse helps me and my family stay healthy, strong, and focused.  It will do the same for you.  For more information and a FAQ on the cleanse, visit my website,  You can chat with me about the cleanse or any wellness-related issue there.  You can also call me anytime at 813.505.9815.  I look forward to chatting with you soon.  


Alarming Trends in Health and How to Reverse Them Now

Reverse the alarming trends in health and get on a path to a healthy life.

Naturally. . . You is all about natural approaches to being healthy and feeling your best.  While most people say they try to live a healthy lifestyle, facts show that in the United States, health problems related to lifestyle choices are on the rise and the life expectancy rate fell again last year.  It is hard to believe that people are living shorter lives in a country rich in resources, personal wealth, and easy access to information on how to make better choices in diet, exercise, and lifestyle.   The good news is that Naturally. . . You is here to help with knowledge, experience, products, and programs that will result in better health and most importantly, just feeling good.  Here are some of the alarming trends in health and how to reverse them now.

Alarming Trends

Overall trends on the state of health in the US population are disturbing, especially when you take a look at conditions that are influenced by lifestyle choices.  According to a report in the State of Obesity, in the past 10 years, obesity rates are now close to 40% of the population.  That’s up 10% in just the last 10 years.   The American Heart Association reports that 103 million Americans have high blood pressure which is nearly half of our entire population.  Meanwhile, Population Health Metrics reports that by 2030, 14% of all Americans will suffer from Diabetes, up 5% from 2014. 

Alarming trends in health are often a result of poor diet choices.

Obesity and high blood pressure contribute to the number 1 cause of death in this country, heart disease.  Stroke, the number 5 cause of death is linked directly to high blood pressure while diabetes ranks number 7 on a list of 10 ten causes of death in the US.  These three conditions, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes directly contribute to three of the top 10 causes of death in America.  They also contribute to cancer and kidney disease, two other top 10 causes of death in America.  The state of health in this country is getting so bad, the Centers for Disease Control reported a decrease in life expectancy again last year.  Now life expectancy is 76.1 years for men and 81.1 years for women. 

It’s all Preventable

The good news is that the alarming trends in health related to obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are all preventable!  And the best news is that all three can be effectively controlled with simple lifestyle choices everyone can make starting right now.  Proper diet and consistent exercise will result in lower levels of all three conditions.  In fact, according to Medical News Today, the combination of a healthy diet and consistent exercise are included in ways to prevent heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. 

Here’s How. . .

Alarming trends in health can sometimes be reversed through consistent exercise.

You can always take prescription drugs and will have no problem finding a doctor to help with that.  The problem with prescription drugs is that all of them have some sort of side effect.  For example, side effects associated with high blood pressure medications include headaches, vomiting, erectile dysfunction, skin rashes, and diarrhea. In some cases, side effects cause problems that require treatment by other prescription drugs.  The next thing you know, you on a collection of drugs that work on things you never had before you took your first blood pressure pill.  Unless you are very overweight, have very high blood pressure or blood sugar, a better way to manage your weight, pressure, and sugar is naturally, through better dietary choices and exercise programs.    Always check with your health care provider before any diet or exercise program. 

6 Keys to Optimal Health. . .

As far as I’m concerned, diet and exercise are so critical for optimal health, they are included in my list of Keys to Optimal Health and are considered non-negotiable.  Here is my list. . .

  1. Diet.  There are so many diets out there it’s incredible.  I don’t think a restrictive diet is sustainable in the long run. If you think of diet in terms of percentages, a proper diet should be made up of 40% fibrous vegetables and fresh fruits, 30% lean proteins, 15% starches, and 15% fats.  Another important part of the equation is portion control.  For many people, portion control is out of control. It’s important to be aware of both what and how much you’re putting into your mouth.
  2. Exercise.  Ideally, you should actively move your body every day. I like to hit the gym at least three days a week for cardio and weight training.  If you can’t make it into the gym, take a brisk walk after dinner or ride a bike around your neighborhood.  You will burn calories and the endorphin release will make you feel good.
  3. Renewal.  Meditation and keeping a gratitude journal are examples of daily renewal.  These renew your spirit and are keys to good mental health. 
  4. Sleep.  There is so much information about how sleep affects the body and impacts your physical and mental health that I could write several articles about this subject alone.  I recommend no less than 8 hours per day, going to bed and waking up at the same time, every day.
  5. Supplementation.    At Naturally…You, we work with our clients to create customized plans for supplements that address many healthcare issues.  If you have an issue you’d like to try treating naturally, check with your healthcare provider and after getting the green light, give us a call to get started. 
  6. Water.  Take your body weight and divide it in half.  That number is equal to the number of ounces you should drink in a day. 

Overall, American’s health and wellness continue to decline.  The alarming trends in health can be reversed now through with behavior modification, better diet choices, and consistent exercise. In future blogs, I will address my 6 Keys to Optimal Health in greater detail and show how my programs can restore your health and make you feel better than ever!  To get started on your journey to better health call me at 813.505.9815. I look forward to speaking with you soon!

The Natural Approach to Well Being and Feeling Great

This is the first blog posted on my new website!  We have relaunched to celebrate the five-year anniversary of the founding of my company and the clients I’ve helped to restore their health and vitality.  Since 2014 my mission has been to help others using a natural approach to well being and feeling great.  My approach centers around three principals, restoration of optimal health through the use of natural treatments, close relationships with each of my clients, and customized programs that detoxify the body, focus on preventative healthcare, weight management, and skincare.  This is the new Naturally You. . . and if you’re looking to feel your best, you’ve come to the right place.

Research Based Programs that Work!

I admit it.  I’m a research junkie.  I spend countless hours researching products and treatments designed to restore health and make my clients feel their best.  Along with the research, I also spend time talking to healthcare professionals, product manufacturers and fitness experts to gain further perspective of the issues and challenges my clients face.  I look for industry best practices, cutting edge approaches and common-sense treatments.  Then I take all that knowledge and experience to customize programs that work. 

Trusted Relationships Create Better Results. . .

Another hallmark of Naturally You is the relationships I form with each of my clients.  I’ve never sold a program or product to someone I have no relationship with and just walked away. On the contrary, I take the time to get to know my clients.  I spend time talking with them to understand their unique health issues and concerns and the lifestyle choices they make.

Many people share the same wellness goals.  These goals are often to feel better, sleep better, lose weight, and look younger.  So while the goals may be the same, each client leads a life with a unique combination of physical challenges, diet, family obligations, and work demands that have resulted in their current condition.  Once I understand those demands, I can customize a program focuses on a natural approach to well being that lights the path to restoration and preservation.   I stay close to my clients to monitor progress.  This enables me to course correct as my clients’ health improves and they transition from restoration to maintenance.

High Product Standards

The standards I set for the products I use in my practice are extremely high.  I look for purity in ingredients, certifications of lab testing, and product reviews to ensure the best possible outcomes for my clients.  From my CBD products to the supplement lines I represent, I test each one myself before I ever incorporate them into my programs.  They way I see it, if I won’t use the product, I won’t sell the product.  I also provide complete transparency for the product lines I use, their ingredients, and their manufacturers so everyone can do their own research as well (if they want).

Welcome to the all-new, Naturally You. . .  Please visit my site to learn more about the service lines and products I offer.  Also, check back for new blog posts to learn more about natural wellness practices and things you can do, right now, to make you look and feel your best.  To get started on your journey to better health and well-being, contact me directly at 813.505.9815.  I look forward to speaking with you soon. . . Naturally!