
The High Price of Your Smartphone Addiction

A smartphone laying on a table with the charging cord wrapped around a man's wrists.  Symbolic of the high price of your smartphone addiction.

I can almost feel your anxiety rise as you read this.  A smartphone sabbatical?  Is that even possible?  Most people tether to their smartphones 24/7.  Americans check their phones over 50 times a day, and many feel anxiety when it’s out of reach, even for just a few minutes.  Many people have become dependent on it for everything.  And that dependency comes with a high price tag.  It can cause physical and mental health problems, so taking a break from your smartphone is a good idea. Continue reading to learn the high price of your smartphone addiction.

It’s Probably Filthy

Your smartphone screen is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat, according to Time Magazine.  The article cites studies that found serious pathogens on cell phones, including Streptococcus, MRSA, and even E. coli.  Many people never disinfect their phones.  Think about all the places you take your phone, place it on a table or counter, then pick them up again.  Each time they can collect germs that transfer to your body.  When you talk into your phone, these germs get close to your mouth and nose.  That, combined with touching your face, increases the risk of everything from colds and flu to strep throat and conjunctivitis.   

Lowers Attention Span, Zaps Mental Strength

People pay a high price for smartphone dependency. One problem is that smartphones are very good at distraction.  This distraction results in a lower attention span.  Notifications from incoming messages, breaking news, and social media apps fight for your attention.  Every time your phone pings, it disrupts your thoughts, focus, and efficiency.  Notifications take you off your game.  They provoke inefficient performance, and the quality of your work suffers.  This happens in the office and at home.

Having it Close By is Enough to Reduce Performance

Even more disturbing, a study reported in Science Daily suggests the brain drain goes beyond smartphone notifications.  This study compared the results of two groups of people taking the same test.  One group left their smartphones in another room.  The other group kept their devices close by.  Some were turned on while others where switched off.  Some phones were hidden, others were in partial view, and others were in full view.  Results show having the device close to you, whether it’s turned on or off, hidden or in view, is all it takes to lower cognitive functionality.  When your smartphone is close by, thoughts about it are triggered, even when performing tasks not related to your smartphone.  “It’s not that participants were distracted because they were getting notifications on their phones,” cited the study, “The mere presence of a smartphone was enough to reduce cognitive capacity.” 

Smartphones Disrupt Your Sleep

A man checks his smartphone in bed in the middle of the night.

We have written a lot of articles about the importance of quality sleep.  Nothing disrupts more sleep than a smartphone in the bedroom.  Smartphones emit harmful blue light.  According to Active Health, blue light has a profound impact on your sleep simply because it directly affects your body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin.  Blue light suppresses its production.  That results in less sleep and fewer sleep cycles.  This situation causes all sorts of problems.  People who consistently get less than 6 hours of sleep a night have a greater risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.  Additionally, prolonged exposure to blue light over time can cause cell damage in our retina and make us more susceptible to macular degeneration, a problem that may lead to a permanent loss of vision.

Your Memory is Fading

The reduced ability to focus and disrupted sleep cycles have a dramatic impact on memory.  Memories are processed and stored in the final stage of sleep, the REM stage.  The REM stage of sleep is short in the first sleep cycle but gets longer with each sleep cycle.  So, the longer you sleep, the better the memory you will have.  According to the National Institutes of Health, smartphone use has a significant negative impact on the working memory performance of humans. And you don’t need excessive exposure to see the effect.  The impact is apparent with as little as five minutes of smartphone use. 

We are not suggesting anyone discontinue using their smartphones.  Smartphones and the apps they power are helpful tools in daily life.  However, it’s important to understand the risks associated with them to protect your health and wellness.  Addiction to anything is harmful, and there is a high price for your smartphone addiction.  In the next article, we will give you tips and tools to help you reduce your dependence on your smartphone and take a smartphone sabbatical.  If you’d like to discuss this or any other health and wellness topic, visit our website.  There you can chat with me live and check out my full line of CBD products.  I look forward to chatting with you soon!

5 Common Misconceptions about CBD

Five confused people, each question mark sticker on their foreheads.

I have conversations about CBD almost every day. I am often amazed by the misconceptions and misunderstanding surrounding the subject.  In just a few short years, CBD has grown into a big business, generating $20 Billion by the year 2024, according to Forbes Magazine. It’s only been 2 years since CBD became widely available.  While a lot of research has been on its effect on humans,  a lot more research needs to be done.  We don’t fully understand its therapeutic effects to treat illnesses or diseases. We do know that CBD is safe to use but it’s still confusing to many.  So I took a look at recent notes taken from discussions with clients and pulled out the top 5 common misconceptions about CBD.

CBD Misconception #1:  CBD will Get You High

Marijuana plants growing in a natural setting.
Marijuana or hemp? There is a difference.

Some people think CBD is a type of marijuana and will get you high.  This is simply not true.  THC is the compound found in marijuana that causes intoxication by stimulating a specific receptor in the brain.  CBD, on the other hand, typically comes from the hemp plant and does not effectively stimulate that receptor.  According to Analytical Cannabis, both hemp and marijuana plants come from the same species of plant.  But they are separate and different.

After extraction, CBD is infused into products only with trace elements of THC.   Additionally, they do not produce the same intoxifying feeling. Products containing hemp-based CBD are legal in all 50 states as long as they don’t contain more than 0.3% THC. 

CBD Misconception #2:  CBD is Addictive

You will never get addicted to CBD. One reason why it’s so popular is because of its lack of addictive properties.  It doesn’t overstimulate the brain’s reward system when you take it.  CBD actually blocks the addictive effects of morphine and other highly addictive painkillers by reducing the pleasure the body feels upon taking it.  It can actually reduce cravings you have that are addictive like processed foods, cigarettes, and opiates. 

CBD Misconception #3: The Higher the Dose, The Better!

A pill bottle with three gel caps scattered nearby, symbolizing the one of the 5 common misconceptions about CBD.

Higher doses of CBD do not equate to more pain relief.  In fact, it can have the opposite effect.  The higher the dose the better is another one of the five common misconceptions about CBD. The truth is, it’s best to start off low and slow.  Taking more CBD than needed will waste the product and waste your money.  After a few weeks, if you don’t see results, then it’s time to bump up the dosage.  Use the lowest, most effective dose for you, and that is different for everyone. 

CBD Misconception #4:  All CBD is the Same

This is completely untrue. While the molecule of CBD is the same no matter its origin, the final product can be quite different.  Look for higher quality CBD extracted safely from a trusted plant source.  In addition, make sure labels contain ingredients and dose recommendations clearly on the label.  Don’t trust inexpensive products. Identify a reputable company, research their processes and other manufacturing aspects.  Then purchase your CBD products only when you are satisfied with your findings. States are starting to regulate CBD and many will have different standards and requirements.  So it’s more important than ever to do your diligence when sourcing CBD products. 

For 6 tips on what to look for when buying CBD products, check out my recent article Feel Great Naturally with the Power of CBD.

CBD Misconception #5:  CBD is the Cure for Everything

A young woman who suffers from insomnia, in bed but awake at 3am.
CBD is known to relieve the symptoms of insomnia.

CBD is not a cure for anything.  At this time, there is no proof that CBD is curing any illnesses.  Please be wary of people that tell you it’s going to cure your cancer or any other illness.   Having said that, CBD has been effective for many people to help with anxiety, pain management, sleep problems, stress, headaches, digestive issues, and more.  So while there is anecdotal evidence to support claims of symptom relief, there is no scientific evidence to support claims of cure.  This is true for any supplement that you may take as well.  Do your research and ask questions.

The CBD industry will grow, improving products and increasing government regulation along the way. While the future of the industry is uncertain, one thing is clear, CBD can be an effective treatment for some types of health related conditions. These 5 common misconceptions about CBD are just a starting point for more understanding. Knowledge is the key to successfully using it.  Know the different types of products available, how they work, the right application and the right dose for you.  Then know the source and quality of the products you use.  At Naturally. . . You, we offer the finest quality CBD products.  We have the knowledge and experience from hundreds of clients to help you on your wellness path.  Visit our website to learn more about our CBD products and feel free to chat with me live on this or any health related topic. I look forward to chatting with you soon! 

Fitness Trends for 2020 Mix Fun with Results!

A group of young women practicing yoga together.

The fitness industry is in a constant state of change.  Americans don’t stick to most fitness routines because they become just that, routines. Many people who resolve to workout get bored, lose motivation and quit. For 2020, the trends in fitness and exercise aim to change that.  They include innovative equipment that delivers results, variety, a competitive angle, and workouts that simulate daily activity.  Exercise is one of the Six Keys to Optimal Health, and Naturally…You is excited about what’s new in the industry.  So keep reading to learn how fitness trends for 2020 mix fun with results.     

Pilates Megaformer Workout 

A woman working out on Pilates Megaformer equipment as an example of Fitness Trends in 2020 that mix fun with results.

Pilates fans know about the carriage-like equipment known as a reformer.  It is built with movable platforms, springs, and pulleys.  This year’s trend in Pilates is called a megaformer. And it takes this workout to a whole new level.  Done mostly in Pilates studios, megaformer is a boutique fitness class.  This makes it ideal for people who want a serious workout but don’t like large classes found in big-box gyms.  It focuses on core strength and stability and activates slow-twitch muscles for full-body engagement.  This workout will make you sweat, shake, burn fat, and build muscle with lots of abdominal engagement.  The result is a low-impact workout that strengthens muscles, improves balance and flexibility. Best of all, it challenges your core in a way that a lot of other workouts don’t. 

Virtual Reality Workouts Change the Game

Playing virtual realty tennis means you don’t need a tennis court, or even a human opponent!

The worlds of fitness and technology come together to create simulated workout experiences.  This is taking off in 2020 and will expand in scope and popularity. All you need is a virtual reality headset and some games or apps. These are convenient because they can be done practically anywhere. Plus they eliminate the boredom that typically creeps into gym-based workouts. 

VR workouts can change as often as you’d like.  Try boxing one day, tennis the next, and practice yoga another day.  In one game, Hot Squat, players do as many squats as they can by ducking to navigate a series of virtual tunnels. It combines strength and endurance conditioning while you play to score points.  While some may seem more like a game than a workout, don’t be fooled! VR workouts can be very effective.  Throughout this year and into the future, the development of VR workout opportunities will produce more targeted, effective and fun ways to get fit.

The Mini-Trampoline Bounces Back

That’s right, a favorite in the 1980s, the mini-trampoline, is back. Like virtual reality workouts, this is an activity you want to do versus an obligation like a gym routine you have to do.  Jumping on a mini-trampoline is fun and gives you an effective workout. Mini trampoline classes combine:

  • Cardio
  • Simple choreography
  • Toning
  • Stretching 

The benefits include:

  • Improved cardio function
  • Kicks the lymphatic system into high gear
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improves balance
  • Builds bone mass

Best of all, it’s fun!  John Porcari, professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, was quoted in Time Magazine saying “When you’re following along to a video or doing something fun, the enjoyment factor overrides the fact that you’re working hard.  You just focus on having fun.”

Exercise Imitates Life through Functional Workouts

Functional workout classes simulate common movements that you may do at home. You are essentially doing real-life activities in real-life exercise positions, using multiple muscles in the upper and lower body at the same time. The muscles are working together rather than isolating them to work independently. That way, they help control and balance body weight. Classes typically include the use of fitness balls, kettlebells, and weights.  Additionally, they include movements that include several body parts at once, like elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, and the spine. The result is muscle memory that reduces the risk of injury.  This is critically important, especially as a person gets older. Injuries can result in the loss of ability to do simple things and a lower quality of life.  Functional workouts are designed to help people stay as agile and independent for as long as possible. 

The Key to Lasting Fitness

Man on a paddle board in the middle of a lake.
Paddle-boarding effectively combines fun with exercise.

The key to lasting fitness is finding activities that are fun for you, with hard work to burn calories, strengthen muscle and endurance. Exercise is an important piece of the health and wellness puzzle. And constantly finding new workouts will fuel your success.  Start with a variety of activities that take place both indoors and outdoors. Next, mix up group settings and solo efforts.  Finally, keep the equipment light and expenses low. That way you will stay motivated, interested and excited.  Combine that with consistency and a healthy diet and you’ll be fit for life.  Fitness trends for 2020 mix fun with results in ways that will improve your quality of life.  So start now! Find a class nearby or pick up a virtual reality headset and start moving to a whole new groove!

To discuss this or any health or wellness topic, visit Just look for the live-chat box in the lower right-hand corner.  You can also check out the Six Keys to Optimal Health and my complete line of CBD products. I look forward to chatting with you soon!

Health Trends We Can Smile About

A group of smiling young people.

Current health trends are all about natural ways to restore and maintain health. This year trends are focus on total self-care.  They benefit both the body and the mind, returning to the quality of what we eat, drink, and put into our bodies. At the same time, meditation and other alternative medicine practices that keep the mind calm and centered are gaining in popularity. Make 2020 the year dedicated to self-care for body, mind, and spirit.  In this article learn about what’s hot, what’s cooling off, and health trends we can smile about.       

CBD Soars in 2020

CBD Gummy Rings are part of health trends we can smile about.
CBD Gummy Rings are among the most popular CBD Products.

The popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) will continue into 2020. Sales of CBD products expected to rise 32% over the next 5 years. That’s because it is widely available and legal in all 50 states, and it’s effective.  Users report relief from pain and anxiety as well as better sleep.  Everyone is born with CBD receptors in their body, so it’s no wonder that with consistent use, it is a powerful treatment for many health conditions.

We will continue to see CBD and other cannabinoids added to more products including more edibles. Many people are already making their own CBD laced baked goods and smoothies.  And now, you can buy CBD infused food and drinks right off the grocery store shelf.  The most popular CBD infused foods now include cookies, breakfast cereal, and popcorn.  Hundreds of new edibles are in development and will hit the stores in 2020. 

This is the year to look for other cannabinoids in CBD products.  CBDA or cannabidivarin, may reduce inflammation throughout the body and would be a cannabinoid in a product specifically for joint or muscle pain.  CBG or cannabigerol is a cannabinoid which can help to increase anxiety and muscle tension.  This is the year more cannabinoids will be used to treat health conditions and improve people’s lives.

Alternative Medicines

A group of young women sitting in a meditation class with sunlight streaming through a window.
Benefits of group meditation classes include support and motivation.

Alternative medicine like acupuncture and group meditation is becoming more and more popular. That’s often because people are more wary of harmful side effects associated with prescription medications.  As a result, over 60 percent of the global population now practices some sort of alternative medicine, according to Grand View Research. While botanicals have the largest share of the alternative medicine market, yoga and meditation are a fast-growing segment of the market.  In group meditation, someone guides you on a path of self-care.  Group meditation helps you feel a connection with others as you enjoy the silence and peace together. And just like group exercise, group meditation develops good habits like consistency and motivation. Additionally, members of group meditation can help provide support and feedback during the meditation process.

Plant Based Meals

Another health trend we can smile about is the rise of plant-based diets.  New food choices like Beyond Meat are widely available and are being incorporated into restaurant menus. Plus, more people concerned about animals being treated better and eating healthier.   We are seeing more plant-based offerings at restaurants as an indication of changes in society.   According to Jenny Zegle, associate director of food and drink for Mintel, “Vegan products will go more mainstream” in 2020.

Remote Medical Care

Many Americans suffering from non-emergency issues like allergies, pink eye, or sinus problems are turning to remote medical care providers, like Teledoc.   Diagnosis on the go like Teledoc was prevalent in 2019 and will be more in 2020.  In fact, 2019 revenue topped $550 million, up almost 25 percent over 2018. You can use a telephone or a mobile app to provide on-demand remote medical care.  Most insurance plans now offer coverage for this service.  And best of all, physicians can be accessed anytime, from anywhere.

Mocktails get dressed up

A mojito mocktail is part of a health trend away from alcohol based drinks.
A Mojito Mocktail is a refreshing drink you can enjoy anytime.

The declining trend in alcohol consumption that started in 2019 will continue into this year.  This is mostly driven by millennials and generation z. Both societal and health reasons are the cause.  Younger generations are less social and do not drink together in bars as much as older generations. I personally have cut back drinking and may have a drink once every 6 months or so, basically for the health benefits.  Most people are doing this to focus on health, decrease in sugar, and lose weight.  Furthermore, alcohol can disrupt sleep cycles and cause dehydration.  Recipes for mocktails now include exotic spices, fruit juices, and elaborate garnishes. The Chill Out Honeydew Cucumber Slushie from Bon Appetit is a healthier alternative to sugar syrup filled alcohol laden cocktails.  


Fermented foods, seeds and dark color vegetables will continue to gain popularity in 2020.  Fermented foods like Kimchi and Kombucha contain natural probiotics and are now widely available.  Seeds like pumpkin, sesame, and chia provide healthy fats, minerals, and fiber.  Additionally, seeds can reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.  Dark vegetables, like beets, are great for fighting inflammation and boosting blood flow.  Therefore, help keep blood pressure in check.  Beets have no fat and can also reduce cholesterol so they will continue to find their way into more grocery baskets this year.

Health trends constantly evolve.  For this year, the team at Naturally. . . You are happy to see our attentions are drawn less toward weight loss and more toward overall health.  These are health trends we can smile about. Taking a natural approach to overall health is what we’re all about.  We offer full body detoxification programs to restore health, dietary consultation and a full line of CBD products that may help with a variety of health conditions.  For more information, visit us at our website. There you can chat with me on any health-related matter.  Here’s to a healthy new year!

Why Your Brightest Days Start with Water

A young woman stands in a kitchen and starts her day drinking a glass of water.

By the time you wake up, your body is dehydrated.  Over an eight hour stretch of slumber, you are not drinking any water.  You are, however, breathing.  The simple act of breathing expels moisture and takes in dry air.  If you drink alcohol or any diuretic before bedtime you will dehydrate even faster while you sleep.  All this dehydration affects motor and cognitive function.  If you’ve ever had a little trouble moving or your mind is in a fog when you wake up, it’s probably a result of dehydration.  The best thing you can do for your mind and body is to drink a big glass of water the moment you get up.  It’s just the thing your body needs to prepare for the day ahead.  In this article, learn how a tall glass of H-2-O will set you up for success and why your brightest days start with water.  

Fog Lifter

Drinking a glass of water in the morning will lift the fog from your brain.  This is because water stimulates the production of red blood cells and generates more oxygen in your blood.  The more oxygen in your blood, the more alert you will be. According to a study reported in Self Magazine, “Drinking H2O may have another surprising benefit, improved memory and reaction time.” On top of that, brain activity increases with the level of hydration, so you drinking water in the morning makes it easier to speak clearly and complete sentences.  This helps you start your day on the right foot and your morning smoother.

Keeping Sickness at Bay

A woman with a head cold blows her nose while used tissues litter her desk.
Drinking a glass of water in the morning can protect you from sickness spread by co-workers.

You may share your commute with others heading off to work or school.  Public transportation and carpools can be cesspools of viruses.  Once you get to work, things don’t generally get better.  We’ve all worked with people who come to work sick.  They bravely soldier through the day sneezing and coughing all over everything while insisting they are too busy to stay home.  That glass of water you drank when you got up will actually help to balance your immune system and provide it fuel needed to fight off sickness throughout the day. 

Healthy Weight Loss

Along with being more alert, a more effective communicator, and staying healthy, drinking a glass of water in the morning helps to jump-start your metabolism.  That means you will burn more calories during the rest of your day.  According to Medical News Today, it also helps to flush toxins from your body.  The combination of faster metabolism and detoxification helps to reinforce healthy weight loss.  Water helps you put your best foot forward.  It also helps to put your best face forward as well.  Drinking water in the morning hydrates the skin.  As a result, it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  It promotes healthy skin glow and is another reason why your brightest days start with water.    

Additional Benefits 

Drinking water throughout the day provides additional benefits.  Here are just a few.

A large glass of water depicts why your brightest days start with water.
  • Regulates your body temperature.  Staying hydrated is important to maintaining body temperature.  Your body loses water through sweating during exercise and in hot environments.  As a result, you need the water to replenish the lost fluid from sweat.
  • Aids in digestion.  Drinking water before, during, and after a meal will help your body break down the food you eat more easily.  Water is the lubricant that keeps your digestion going.  Therefore, as the water moves through your stomach and intestines, digestive organs are better hydrated and able to eliminate waste.
  • Dissolves vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from your food.  This makes it possible to deliver these nutrients to the rest of your body.
  • It protects your tissues and bones.  Water keeps the cartilage around our joints hydrated, ensuring that our joints stay lubricated and cushions the joints and spinal cords.  This minimizes the discomfort caused by conditions like arthritis and makes physical activity easier and more enjoyable.  Long term dehydration can lessen the joints shock absorbing ability and result in joint pain. 
  • Improves kidney health and functionality.  Water keeps our kidneys working.  Kidneys filter out waste through urination.  Adequate water intake helps your kidneys work more efficiently and may help prevent the initial formation of kidney stones.

Your Morning Routine Gets Better

Start tomorrow with a large glass of water.  Everything you do after that will reap the benefits.  Whether it’s catching an early morning workout, checking in with social media, or getting an early start on a work project, you will be more focused and perform better.  That’s why your brightest days start with water.  To learn more about water and the other six keys to optimal health, check out our site,  While there, you can chat with me live on this topic, see my full line of CBD products, and learn ways to live a natural, healthy life.  I look forward to chatting with you soon.   

Four Unmistakable Signs of Dehydration

Dried roses symbolizing the four unmistakable signs of dehydration.

Chronic dehydration affects 75 percent of the US population.  Yes. . . 75 percent!  That’s three in every four people and chances are, it affects you.  Dehydration is a condition that occurs when your body flushes out more liquid than it takes in.  It can cause serious health issues.  Your mood, attention, memory and motor coordination can be affected with as little as 1 percent dehydration.  On the extreme end of the scale, it compromises your brain and kidney functions. Plus your heart and cardiovascular system work harder that those who are properly hydrated.   While your body provides early warning signs of dehydration, most people mistake them for signs of other issues.  Today Naturally. . .You looks at its causes and four unmistakable signs of dehydration you should look for.

What You Drink Matters. . .

Most people don’t think they dehydrated.  We seem to be drinking things all the time.  If you’ve ever waited in a line of cars at a Starbucks drive-thru, you can attest to this.  The problem is not the consumption of liquids.  The problem is the consumption of the right kinds of liquids.  Any liquid that contains caffeine or alcohol is a diuretic.  A diuretic is any substance that promotes diuresis, the increased production of urine. They expel water and salt from the body. They are found naturally in a number of foods and drinks.  Coffee, tea, and soft drinks are obvious beverages that contain natural diuretics.  In addition, fruits and vegetables like celery and cucumbers, according to Good Housekeeping, are natural diuretics and can cause water loss. 

You Can Miss the Warning Signs. . .

A lot of people spend their days sipping iced tea, coffee drinks, and sodas.  At night they unwind with a glass of wine.  Their liquid intake seems high. But the diuretic affect of some of these beverages causes a negative water consumption. This can quickly cause dehydration.  Disturbingly, other lifestyle-created issues get the credit for some of the body’s early warning signs of dehydration.

Man suffering from a headache, an early warning sign of dehydration that most people don't recognize.
Headaches, fatigue, and depression are early warning signs of dehydration that are often misdiagnosed.

One of the early warning signs is fatigue.  Almost everyone I know complains about being tired from time to time.  But nobody ever says, “I’m so tired, maybe I’m dehydrated!”  Instead, they point to how busy they are as the cause of their fatigue.  Another early warning sign is headaches.  Often, we assume headaches are the result of stress or anxiety. Finally, another early warning sign of dehydration is depression.  With so many external forces like unrest throughout the world, cultural shifts, and negative news coverage, it’s easy to ignore the internal forces, like dehydration, that can be the cause of depression.

Four Unmistakable Signs of Dehydration

  1. Difficulty going to the bathroom.  Constipation and the lack of urination is an unmistakable early warning sign.  Healthy, hydrated adults should urinate at least every 3 to 4 hours.  If you go eight or more hours without urinating, you are probably dehydrated. 
  2. Urine volume.  The volume of urine varies from person to person depending on their bladder size.  But the amount of your urine is consistent.  In a properly hydrated person, when the bladder is full it signals the brain that it’s time to go.  According to Bladder and Bowel Community, the lack of fluid in dehydrated people results in concentrated urine. This irritates the bladder. It makes you feel the urge to pass urine with urgency or more frequently.  As a result, it causes low urine volume.
  3. Urine color.  Your urine should be clear or light yellow in color.  This is a healthy sign that your body has the proper amount of liquid.  If your urine gets darker in color, it indicates urine concentration and is a telltale sign of dehydration.
  4. Poor Skin Elasticity.  Pinch your skin on the back of your hand.  It should quickly fall back into place.  If not, it means you are dehydrated.  This is the most important of the four unmistakable signs of dehydration. Many doctors and medical professionals use this test to determine dehydration because of it’s reliability.

Easy to Cure and Prevent

A glass of ice water.

The good news is that dehydration is easy to cure and prevent.  If you check off any of the four unmistakable signs of dehydration, drink more water.  Just water.  I’m not saying you have to give up your morning espresso or iced tea at lunch time.  But switch out some beverages containing caffeine and alcohol you would normally consume throughout the day with water.  You will notice the benefits almost immediately.  That, combined with a full body detox from Naturally. . . You can change your life.  You will rid your body of toxins, reset your relationship with food and set your body on a path to abundant health, naturally.  To learn more about the role water plays in our bodies, visit our website.  There you can find useful resources about the subject of water. You can also chat with me on any other health-related topic. Let’s chat soon!

The True Story and Lessons Learned from a Cancer Survivor

A banner that reads Overcome Through Courage & Strength in black and pink to celebrate cancer suvivors.

This is the true story and lessons learned from a cancer survivor.  It’s an inspirational and remarkable story of surviving cancer not once but twice.  And it that isn’t enough, it’s also a story of being the victim of domestic violence and living in shelters with young children. Shannon Turner is able to share her story today because of hard-learned lessons about the healthcare system, self-advocacy, and her support system. It’s an amazing story of determination and resilience as well as support and faith. Today, Shannon is cancer free and making a difference in the lives of others struggling with all sorts of challenges.  But for now, here is her story. . .

“I insisted I needed to be checked further. . .”

It all started in 2006.  Shannon experienced a racing heart rate followed by a noticeable slow-down.  She was often exhausted and the lack of energy made her feel that her body was slowly shutting off. Then she found a small lump on the right side of her neck. Her doctors told her they couldn’t diagnose anything because all the test results were coming back normal. “They told me the lump was probably just a nodule and not to be really concerned.”  But Shannon felt that something was wrong. “I Insisted that I needed to be checked out further so they sent me to an endocrinologist. During an ultrasound, I noticed the were checking both sides of my neck. I knew that could not be a good sign.”  Shannon was right.  She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, even though blood tests for thyroid cancer came back normal.

Kept Away From Her Children

Shannon’s doctors removed her thyroid and she went through the normal prescribed treatment for cancer including iodine radiation.  Normally, this should have been the end of the story, but as you are about to find out, nothing is normal about Shannon’s story.  In 2007 she fled domestic violence with her three small children. During the time they were living in an abuse shelter she became very sick and her doctors discovered cancer cells again.

This was treated with more radiation in 2008 and in 2009 thyroid cancer cells were found again.  She started another round of radiation.  Each new round of radiation was stronger than the last. Each round involved iodine radiation and required a 5-7 day quarantine in the hospital.  As a single mother, it was very hard.  During this time she could not any contact with her children and her mother took care of them. Ultimately the cancer cells were destroyed and the quarantine periods ended.

Just when she thought it was over. . .

Shannon’s story of a cancer survivor didn’t end there. A few months later, Shannon had trouble breathing went to the emergency room. While they found nothing on her lungs, they did see something on one of her kidneys. The DR thought it was just a cyst. “For months I went to several doctors looking for a cyst but they couldn’t find one. We thought it had dissolved.”  She thought she was in the clear, but she wasn’t.

In late 2009 a mass was found and Shannon was diagnosed with kidney cancer just weeks before Christmas.  “Over a period of four months, I looked for a doctor that would take my insurance but couldn’t find one.  My side began hurting so I went back to the ER, this time at another hospital.  When that hospital heard my story they expedited my case up to their head urologist and he took me on as a patient. This time, half of my kidney was removed but at least I was done with kidney cancer.”

Cancer Free

Shannon Turner today, a cancer survivor with a remarkable story of hope and inspiration.
Shannon Turner

Shannon has been cancer-free for almost 10 years.  During that time she remarried and her children are all doing well.  And while her battle with cancer is over, her story of a cancer survivor is not. She has published 10 books and has developed 4 coaching programs based on the lessons learned during her five-year battle with cancer and domestic violence.

Strong Support Helps

Shannon’s story is remarkable for many reasons. “It was a real journey, often unpredictable. The most challenging part was learning to let go of what I thought the outcome should be and learn how to embrace the journey. I had to just trust God through each and every turn.” When asked what helped her the most during her journey she said, “My faith, family, friends, and knowing it would all mean something one day.”  She credits her mother, who often took care of her and her children, as “my rock and with me every step of the way.” Shannon’s support system may have saved her life. In fact, according to the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, “If you are a cancer patient, telling your friends, family, and coworkers that you have cancer and having a good support system during treatment can be extremely helpful.  It can even improve cancer outcomes.”

Shannon adds, “It’s normal to be scared after a doctor’s appointment and I suggest bringing a support friend with you if needed. By trying to tough it out and not admit that doctors make you a little nervous you’re not acknowledging the fact that you need additional support. It will show up later. It’s ok to ask for help.”

Self Advocacy Empowers You

  Another thing Shannon learned from her cancer experience is to be a strong self-advocate.  “Always, always, always be your own advocate by getting your medical records and speaking up for yourself.”  This may be another factor in her survival.  US News and World Report says that by being involved in your own health advocacy, you not only gain a greater sense of control, but also increased confidence over your decisions, greater medical literacy, better treatment adherence, and even better health outcomes.  You don’t need to feel intimidated by your medical providers. They work for you, not the other way around. And when the common ground in these relationships is your health, it’s in your best interest to be as empowered as possible. 

Follow Shannon

A lot of cancer survivors report a stronger relationship with God or a stronger faith in a higher power as a result of surviving cancer.  In addition, research shows that a strong support team and self advocacy are keys to better outcomes for those diagnosed with the disease.  But to hear the true story and lessons learned from a cancer survivor like Shannon can be life-changing.  No one ever chooses this journey but any one of us can find ourselves on the same path.  To hear more from Shannon, visit her website. There you can find some inspirational books like Fat Girl Chronicals and others. You can contact her directly at

To discuss any health and wellness topic, visit  There you can chat directly with me and learn about the Six Keys to Optimal Health and learn about the effective CBD products I offer.  I look forward to chatting with you soon.  

Nutritious Fall Fruits and Vegetables

Pumpkins in a basket represent nutritious fall fruits and vegetables.

For most people around the country, the air is getting cooler. Humidity is dissipating and it won’t be long until autumn leaves cover yards and roads. Right now markets are filled with a bounty of nutritious fall fruits and vegetables. The autumn vegetable color wheel is rich with oranges, reds, and greens and most are packed with both vitamins and antioxidants. This year, Naturally You has created a list of autumn vegetables and juicy fruits that will delight your senses and build your immunity.  So grab your basket and join us at the market!   


You’ve heard the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Well, it’s true! The skin contains healthy nutrients and full of antioxidants and contains 4 grams of fiber. Additionally, the antioxidant found in apples, quercetin, is one of only two that keep your brain healthy and memory sharp.  Try using a mix of baking apples in your Thanksgiving pie.  You’ll get a better depth of flavor and a firm texture in every bite!

Brussel Sprouts

We’re not talking about the over-cooked bitter little cabbage heads that you may have eaten.  Made the correct way, these veggies taste great.  They are packed with vitamin K, a good source of iron and folate.  Plus, they contain a high amount of protein, compared to most veggies, with 3.8 grams of protein per serving. 

Try slicing them in half and spreading them on a sheet pan. Add sliced shallots and drizzle everything with olive oil. Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until tender-crisp. Remove from the oven. Toss with the juice of half of a lemon and some toasted pine nuts.


Cranberries in a bowl.

According to, the nutrients in cranberries are linked to a lower risk of urinary tract infections. They also prevent certain types of cancer, improve immune function, and decrease blood pressure. 

With all those benefits, you owe it to yourself to drink more sugar-free cranberry juice starting today!


Kale is so rich in nutrients, the Huffington Post reports that the Centers for Disease Control ranked it number 1 on their list of fall vegetables based on nutrient density.  It’s low in calories and is packed with Vitamins A, K, C, B, calcium, potassium, magnesium and is high in antioxidants.  You can add to salads but also make kale chips.  Here’s how. . .

Wash and thoroughly dry kale leaves.  Arrange on a sheet pan in a single layer.  Sprinkle with olive oil and salt.  Bake in a 400-degree oven until dry and crispy.  Cool and enjoy!


If you are not familiar with parsnips, they are shaped like carrots but are lighter in color, with a sweeter, nutty flavor.  Add to flavor potatoes or puree in soups.  They are rich in potassium and a good source of fiber.


Eat these naturally sweet fruits raw, baked, and poached. They are full of Vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.  And if that’s not all, each medium-sized pear contains 6 grams of fiber!  Not only does fiber help you feel full, but high levels of it have been shown to reduce your likelihood of developing colon cancer and reduce cholesterol levels.


Pomegranate seeds owe their superfood status to polyphenols, powerful antioxidants thought to offer heart health and anti-cancer benefits.  In addition to antioxidants, pomegranates are a source of fiber, B vitamins, vitamins C and K, as well as potassium.  They are just so hard to clean!  Here is an entertaining video on how to open one in six movements.


It’s rich in potassium and a single serving delivers more than 20% of the daily recommended intake of fiber.  It’s also a good source of B Vitamins. While it’s often used as a base for sweet dishes like pumpkin pie and pumpkin cheesecake, don’t be afraid to roast it and use it in savory dishes like soups and gratins.  

Sweet Potato

Eat this versatile root vegetable more ways than just a sweet casserole topped with marshmallows.  Baked or roasted, it’s more nutritious and an excellent source of Vitamin A.  It’s also a good source or iron and has antioxidant benefits.  You can also slice it, alternated with tart apples and bake it in a shallow dish basted with a little maple syrup!    

Nutritious fall fruits and vegetables should be a big part of your diet.  Diet is so important to your overall health it is one of the Six Keys to Optimal Health.  Vitamins in these autumn treasures can nourish and energize the body with the antioxidants bolster your immune system and help prevent sickness in the cold months ahead. If you want to discuss this or any health and wellness topic, visit our site for a live chat, anytime.  I look forward to speaking with you soon. 

Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep
A girl sleeping in bed supported by clouds in a blue sky, symbolic of this article on how to improve the quality of your sleep.

Your body needs consistent, quality sleep to function at its best.  From rational thought to your emotional state, your overall health and well being depends on how well you snooze and the consistency of the times you are asleep and awake.  In this third installment of my series on sleep, you will learn about circadian rhythms and how they impact your overall health.  In addition, you will get some easy lifestyle change recommendations and tips to improve the quality of your sleep, and in turn, feel better than ever!

Circadian Rhythms and their Role in Your Health and Wellness

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. They are found in most living things and respond primarily to light and darkness in the environment. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a light-related circadian rhythm. The National Institute for General Medical Science tells us circadian rhythms can influence sleep-wake cycles, hormone and melatonin release, eating habits and digestion, body temperature, and other important bodily functions. For that reason, consistent bed times and wake times are the keys to getting a good night’s sleep and maintaining overall good health.  Disrupted or irregular rhythms have been linked to various chronic health conditions, such as sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.  

Sleep Better with These Simple Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle adjustments can greatly improve your quality of sleep.  These are simple adjustments that can have a big impact on your health, so consider the following. . .

Donuts cascading against a white backdrop are an example of what not to eat if you want to improve the quality of your sleep.
Donuts are never a good choice and eating them before bedtime can prevent a good night’s sleep.
  1. Incorporate more fish into your diet.  According to Medical News Today, fatty fish may help improve sleep because they are a good source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, two nutrients that help regulate serotonin.  In a 2014 study, participants who ate 300 g of Atlantic salmon three times a week for 6 months fell asleep more quickly and functioned better during the day than those who ate chicken, beef, or pork with the same nutritional value.
  2. Reduce sugar reports the more sugar that you eat during the day, the more often you’re going to wake up in the middle of the night. Even if you don’t fully wake up, the sugar in your system can pull you out of a deep sleep. That can make you feel exhausted the next day.
  3. Get plenty of exercise.  This will reduce stress and anxiety, especially in the morning and early afternoon. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America says exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—which reduces stress and improves the ability to sleep.  
  4. Drink less water before bedtime.  You can reduce sleep interruptions if you don’t have to get up to go to the bathroom.
  5. Limit your caffeine intake, especially in the late afternoon or evening.  It’s no secret caffeine is a stimulant and can make it hard to fall asleep.  In additional to that, it can disrupt your circadian rhythm.
  6. Avoid alcohol before bed time.  A glass of wine or a nightcap can help you to fall asleep quickly but it is disruptive to REM sleep. Additionally, it can cause disruptions in breathing.  If you’ve read my article, What Happens to you When You Sleep, you know REM sleep is the dream and restoration phase of the sleep cycle.  According to WebMD, a disruption in REM sleep can lead to daytime drowsiness and poor concentration.  Additionally, disrupted breathing during sleep can lead to the disorder called sleep apnea.  

Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

Girl sleeping in the middle of the day at her workstation.  This is not an example of quality sleep.
Probably not the best conditions for good quality sleep.
  • Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day.  That’s the sweet spot for most adults.  Sleeping less or more can make you feel sluggish and lethargic.
  • Keep a consistent bedtime and wake time every night, including weekends.  This strengthens your circadian rhythms and trains your body for quality sleep.
  • Get a good mattress and replace it at least every 10 years.  Test it out so you know your preference.  This isn’t the time to shop online.
  • Make sure room temperature is right for you.  Usually, a dark, cool, and quiet room is best.
  • Decompress from work and other stress triggers. Start this process about an hour before you go to bed. It will clear your mind of thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep.
  • Meditation and breathing exercises may help with anxiety prior to falling asleep.
  • Turn off your mobile phone or leave it in another room.
  • Block out external noise by avoiding television, computer time, work emails and tense conversations.
  • Avoid large meals before bed that will be hard to digest. 
  • Chamomile Tea and CBD-infused tea, like the varieties available from Naturally. . .You, can help calm a body for sleep.  As always, we recommend consulting with your doctor before starting a new herbal remedy.

When you are feeling your best, you have the energy and confidence to be your best.  Learning about the role sleep plays in your overall health and how it impacts the way you feel is important to living the best life you can.  We’ve covered a lot in this series of articles and given you the information to understand the process and impact it has.  From the cycle, to disorders, to tips to improve the quality of sleep, Naturally. . . You is here with all the knowledge and tools needed to sleep better and improve your life.  If you want to discuss this or any health and wellness topic, visit our site for a live chat, anytime.  I look forward to speaking with you soon. 

Wake up to the Problems of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is the single activity humans do more of than anything else.  It is critical to our very survival and one of my Six Keys to Optimal Health.  Yet millions of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation, disorders, and serious health issues that result.  In my last article, What Happens When You Sleep, we learned about the sleep cycle.  This article is a follow up and focuses on quality and quantity of sleep needed.  We also explore the negative impacts and health issues from the lack of snooze time.  When we are children, all we want to do is stay up.  By the time we are in our 40s, all we want to do is sleep longer!   

How Much is Enough?

Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep but according to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than seven hours per night. The Wall Street Journal reports 35.2% of adults don’t get 7 hours of sleep per night.  I know you’re busy and if you get a night of six or seven hours of sleep every once in while, I understand.  But if you are continually getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night, over time, your physical and mental well being will suffer. Children, teens, and babies need even more slumber.  Even though our sleep usually decreases with age, most older people still need about 7 hours of sleep to stay healthy and avoid sleep deprivation. 

A chart of how much sleep is need at different age spans in life.

Problems Caused by Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation causes several minor issues and serious health problems.  Feeling tired, being irritable, and not being able to focus are minor issues and are often the precursors to more serious problems if you don’t  get more sleep.  Over the long run health issues get more serious.  They include memory loss, weight gain, and heart disease.

Memory Loss

While you’re asleep, your brain is processing all the things that its learned throughout the day.  Lack of sleep has a negative impact on short term memory, and you may struggle to concentrate the next day.

Weight Gain

A young lady eating ice cream watching television late at night.
A sad movie, a recent breakup or sleep deprivation?

Too little sleep promotes hormone-induced changes that stimulate your appetite.  The ebb and flow of these hormones create cravings that occur and often result in snacking in the evening.  Let’s face it, when you want a nighttime snack, are you reaching for ice cream or celery sticks?  If your like most people I know, you’re reaching for the bowl and scoop.  Also, if you are tired, you may not want to exercise which also contributes to weight gain.

Heart Disease

The stress of being awake for extended periods of time will cause your body to produce more chemicals keeping muscle and brain activity on high alert.  The body requires rest, especially those always on the go.  Too much stress and not enough rest can lead to heart disease for those who sleep less than 6 hours a night. According to, Short sleepers (people who slept fewer than 6 hours) had nearly a 50% higher risk of dying from coronary heart disease.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are pretty common and is defined as anything that affects the ability to sleep well on a regular basis.  Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, crazy schedules, and other issues.  But when they begin to occur on a regular basis and interfere with daily life, it may be a sign that a sleeping disorder exists.  Here are a few of the major sleeping disorders:

  • Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay asleep.  Stress, anxiety, hormones, and digestive issues can be the cause.  This is the most common sleep disorder in America.
  • Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that interrupts breathing during sleep.  It can cause the body to take in less oxygen and can cause you to wake up during the night.
  • Narcolepsy is a sleep attack that occurs during the day.  You suddenly feel extremely tired and fall asleep without warning.
  • Parasomnias cause abnormal movements and behaviors during sleep and include sleepwalking, sleep talking, nightmares, teeth grinding or jaw clenching.

Sleep disorders are diagnosed by physical exam and testing via sleep studies, assessing electrical activity in the brain and genetic blood testing.  Treatments vary and it’s always best to discuss medical treatments with your physician.

More to come

If you had trouble sleeping last night, you are not alone.  You were just one of the 164 million Americans that have trouble falling and staying asleep every night.  The health impacts on those with chronic sleep deprivation can be serious and lead to long term health problems.  In my next article, I will explore the role of circadian rhythms has on triggering sleep and tips to snooze the night away.  Until then, if you have any questions about this or any health and wellness topic, visit my site and hit me up with a live chat.  You can also call me at 813.505.9815 anytime.  I look forward to talking with you soon.